For as long as their has been a games industry, there has been the idea of following trends. When one company does something that sells well, other companies want their version. The recent success of the Battle Royale genre saw the annual heavy hitter that is Call of Duty double down on the idea of doing a Triple A Battle Royale game. Now, at EA Play, we know that DICE are doing the same. Battlefield Royale has been confirmed.

This was, until now, a rumor that was originally reported by Venture Beat. Details on the mode are, at the moment, thin on the ground. All we know is that it exists. Player counts, map sizes, and even what form the mode will take are all left up to our imagination for the moment. Battlefield has always been known for large maps, and large player counts, so it actually isn’t that much of a stretch for the DICE team to pull off something like this.

I am very curious to see what the map, or maps, end up looking like. Traditionally, DICE have designed maps to funnel groups of players from one objective to the next, while laying out mini arenas for players to fight in that combine to make a cohesive experience. Battle Royale games need something different, but it would be a shame if DICE didn’t put their own individual stamp on things. It also feels, if I am honest, slightly odd to have a Battle Royale mode based around World War 2, but I get the feeling that won’t be something most people worry about.

DICE said that the mode will not be ready at launch, but will be coming to the game after release. They also confirmed that the base game will have no loot boxes, or paid DLC. It probably says a lot about me that I am not sure if this extends to the Battlefield Royale mode.