The Call of Duty franchise has always gotten the better of Battlefield in terms of sales, but DICE and Electronic Arts have put out visually impressive games. Despite its shallowness at launch, Star Wars: Battlefront is a stunning looking game. That seems to be angle DICE devs are hitting Infinite Warfare, but it appears to be mostly in fun.

DICE Video and Media Director Randy Evans said Infinite Warfare “looks like a game from 10 years ago” on Twitter. That post was deleted, but the internet never forgets (via PlayStation Lifestyle).

He later added “Still gonna play the s**t out the new COD like I always do. They always nail a solid experience.”

Fellow DICE Video and Media Editor Roland Smedberg was similarly unimpressed with the Infinite Warfare reveal. He deleted the following Twitter post that was also not forgotten by the internet.

Both Smedberg and Evans are using the opportunity to hype the announcement of their next title, which is expected to be Battlefield 5. Smedberg claims the game’s debut on Friday, May 6 will melt the internet while Evans states it will make the internet crumble.

Either way, those interested to see how the next Battlefield stacks up to the newest Call of Duty entry will want to tune into the official website on Friday at 4 p.m. ET / 1 p.m. PT.

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Battlefield Reveal Will Melt Internet Per DICE, Pokes At COD: Infinite Warfare

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