The Battlefield series and Call of Duty series may have both started in the same place as core targeted first person shooters.  While Call of Duty may have started to veer towards the casual and more mainstream gamer, Battlefield has stayed true to its core roots.  With Battlefield 3, core gamers need not worry that the game is going to get “dumbed down” in order to compete with Call of Duty.

According to a recent interview with Patrick Bach, Battlefield 3 will build on “what makes Battlefield great”.  This has traditionally been core first person shooter action with a significant difficulty curve.  Bach told our source in a recent interview.

“Gamers are smart people. Our goal is always to build a better Battlefield game by keeping what makes Battlefield great: huge and tight battles, vehicles and infantry, destruction, the possibility to use different play styles and everything else.  “Battlefield 3 will definitely be the best and biggest Battlefield game we’ve ever built.”

This is definitely one of the worries that fans of the Battlefield series have had since the announcement of Battlefield 3.  Since so much has been made of Battlefield 3 competing with Call of Duty this fall, it was wondered if the game would be made more accessible, a trend that has diluted many great core franchises as of late.

  • This article was updated on July 24th, 2021

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Battlefield 3 Still For Core FPS Audience

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