A plethora of news has been coming out regarding Baldur’s Gate 3, the highly anticipated title. This in-depth RPG based off of Dungeons & Dragons and following the much older Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2 is releasing soon in Early Access! For now, fans eagerly await any news about the gameplay, story, and all aspects of this new video game. Sarah Baylus, lead writer at Larian Studios, states:

Keeping with the popular trend in modern video games, Baldur’s Gate 3 will offer romance options. You are able to form a relationship with characters that could lead to love, sex, heartbreak, and anything in between. While you are out adventuring and slaying monsters, there isn’t much time to have in-depth conversations with characters. The campfire will be a key place to build bonds with the companions you travel with. The more time you invest in talking with these characters, the more likely it is for a romance to occur. However, your choices in the game can also sour a romance quite quickly if you make choices a character does not agree with.

If you choose to play Baldur’s Gate 3 in multiplayer with your friends and family, you can even share intimacy in-game together. This is a fun idea, particularly for those who are bringing their D&D characters into the game and already have a romance that happened at the table.

But if you choose not to pursue romance and instead want to focus on building friendships with the companions you travel with, that is another in-depth system as well! Conversations, choices, and even what your own race and class are will affect how your party interacts with you. While you do not have to keep the same companions throughout Baldur’s Gate 3, after the end of the first act you will need to have solidified your party.

Note that Baldur’s Gate 3 has officially been rated M for blood and gore, partial nudity, sexual content, strong language, and violence.