The full release date of Baldur’s Gate 3 has been up in the air ever since the Dungeons & Dragons-based RPG entered early access. A 2022 launch seemed plausible for a while, but developer Larian Studios has now confirmed that its game is getting a 2023 release.

As part of today’s D&D Direct event, Baldur’s Gate 3 received a “Journey So Far” video. Its YouTube description makes things crystal clear. “The game continues to get better and better,” it reads, “with a planned full release in 2023.” Delays could obviously push that date even further back, but for now, Larian is aiming to get the game out next year.

There’s definitely plenty of work to be done before the RPG leaves early access, from NPC patches to bigger content additions. Recently, the game’s Barbarian class was revealed, and Larian announced that Gnomes would be a playable race at some point in the future. While you wait for those, we can show you how to build a Sorcerer character and provide a nice Druid class breakdown.

D&D fans aren’t being left out in the cold waiting for Baldur’s Gate 3 by any means. As part of the same showcase, Neverwinter got a Dragonslayer module reveal. That’s coming to the free-to-play MMO in June, and it’ll add dragons of various colors and elements.