The early access period for Baldur’s Gate 3 began yesterday, and it delivers the Dungeons and Dragons experience we’ve all been waiting for. Larian Studios has created a world where players can dive into Faerûn and experience a dazzling story and memorable characters. However, even better, they have given you the option of a singleplayer campaign or a co-op one. That’s right. Baldur’s Gate 3 has a multiplayer feature so that you can invite your friends to play alongside you. Here’s how you can invite friends and strangers alike using Baldur’s Gate 3‘s multiplayer feature.

How to Play Co-op

To access the multiplayer in Baldur’s Gate 3, you will need to navigate to the multiplayer selection on the Main Menu. This will take you to another screen that lists all the available lobbies that players may join. However, if you want to host your own lobby, you must click the create button on the bottom left of the screen. There, you can host your own lobby. I suggest setting the ‘who can join your game’ option to friends only if you want to play with your buddies. From there, you can share your server ID to friends, or you can invite them directly by pressing the square boxes just to the right of your profile picture. Once everyone is in, just press launch, and you’ll be good to go.

From there, you and your friends can embark on your journey in Baldur’s Gate 3.  And don’t worry about losing progress when you and your friends are done for the night. If you’re the host, simply save the game and quit. The next time you play, start up the save file, press escape once you’re loaded in, and click on the session menu. From that menu, you can invite your friends back into the game to continue on your co-op adventure.

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However, it is important to note that Baldur’s Gate 3’s multiplayer is not perfect. This is early access, so there are some kinks. There have been many reported issues of bugs that have affected players while multiplayer was in use. I’ve suffered from a bug that traps me minutes behind in a fight and doesn’t allow me to end my turn. With that in mind, be sure to save your game as much as possible to avoid getting stuck or losing progress.