Baldur’s Gate 3 is still in early access, which means it’s continually getting new content. The Barbarian class was revealed in February, and the Gnome race will be playable in the future too. Meanwhile, developer Larian Studios is pushing small patches and hotfixes fairly frequently.

The most recent of these fixes a pretty big problem. Sneaking around and full-on trespassing are valid tactics in a Dungeons & Dragons-based game, but it’s no fun if NPCs magically know that you did it. “Omniscience is neat, but not if it leads to bloodshed,” as the hotfix notes say on Steam. That was happening in the game’s Druid Grove area — NPCs would go hostile because they somehow knew of your past transgressions. That’s been fixed, along with a number of crashes. You can see the full patch notes at the bottom of this article.

As for the full game, Baldur’s Gate 3 currently has no set release date. The team is currently targeting a PC release for sometime in 2023. Current-gen console versions are up in the air, but we already know that PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions aren’t happening.

Hotfix #23 Patch Notes


  • Fixed a crash related to the turn order in combat after a character has died.Fixed a crash that would occur when you cancelled your spellcasting animation immediately after triggering it.Fixed a crash that would occur when loading a save game while the game was experiencing low FPS.Fixed a crash that would occur when a summoned Familiar that was holding Concentration was killed.Fixed a crash related to Hook Horror and Bulette combat situations.


  • The NPCs at Camp and in the Druid Grove area no longer become hostile if you have trespassed in another area such as the Zhent Hideout. This fix also applies to older save games.The Command: Halt spell no longer has placeholder VFX around the affected character’s head.