Baldur’s Gate 3 fans will be disappointed to learn that the early access version of the game will not be available in August, which developer Larian Studios had previously hinted at as a real possibility. The development team does have some information to share, though, and it plans to reveal the official early access announcement on August 18 during the Panel From Hell live stream.

The information came from Larian Studios’ official Twitter page. “Good news and bad news,” the tweet reads. “BG3 won’t hit August, but it’s just around the corner. We’ll be announcing the release date, as well as big news on the Panel From Hell alongside @geoffkeighley, @LarAtLarian and the Larian crew. Tune in Aug. 18.”

Not only should we anticipate learning about the official early access date and how to join it, but there’s also even bigger news coming at the panel. It could have something to do with the official release date for the game, or at least a decent timeline for players to have better expectations for the future.

Eager fans have wanted to get their hands on the game since they first saw it in action at PAX East 2020 in late February. During the event, Larian Studios CEO Swen Vincke played live and ran into the misfortune of underestimating an encounter. His party died on stage in front of everyone, showing the genuine madness and dangers that await players in Baldur’s Gate 3.

The Panel From Hell live stream will be available for fans to watch on the official Baldur’s Gate 3 website.