There are games that make such a huge splash in the gaming world that every next entry becomes a big deal. Baldur’s Gate is one of the series that began the whole CRPG genre, and many other games have taken inspiration from it. Larian Studios, the company behind it, has also launched other very successful games. The Divinity games were pretty amazing, but people were always waiting for the next Baldur’s Gate installment. Well, great news, because it is closer than we think. Baldur’s Gate 3 is up for pre-orders, and that includes the Collector’s Edition, which only has some limited units for purchase.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Collector’s Edition costs $270 and there are only 25k units in stock

If you’re a fan of this classic series, you might have already considered purchasing this edition. It has a hefty cost of $270, but it comes with a lot of things. The edition will last until supplies run out. According to the official site, there are 25k units up for pre-order for Baldur’s Gate 3 Collector’s Edition. They are available for worldwide shipping, so don’t worry about where you’re at.

Gather your party — Baldur’s Gate 3 launches August 2023.

Collector’s Edition available for pre-order now:

— Baldur’s Gate 3 (@baldursgate3) January 5, 2023

Baldur’s Gate 3 Hotfix 30 Update Patch Notes

Looking at the website, we can see there are a lot of things inside the edition. This is everything that is included with the Pre-Order:

  • A 160 page Artbook
  • 32 Stickers
  • Steam Code for the game
  • A Game Certificate
  • Mindflayer vs Drow Battle Diorama (25cm Height)
  • Collector’s Edition Box
  • Magic: The Gathering Battle for Baldur’s Gate Booster Packs
  • Oversized Metal D20
  • Origin Character Sheets
  • Tadpole Keyring
  • Cloth Map

As you can see, the package is quite hefty, and pre-orders might run out sooner than you think. So, if you’re planning to get it, now’s the time. The game is set to launch in August 2023 for PC.