Andra needs your help again. This time, a Mr. Mime has wandered into the village and it is acting a little suspicious. It has taken up residency in a back alley and has put up an invisible barrier to keep people out. Figure out what’s going on and report back. Here is how you complete the Back Alley Mr. Mime request in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.

You will unlock this request after progressing through the Coronet Highlands and unlock Sneasler as a rideable Pokémon. You also need to have completed Andra’s other request called Berry Helpful. Find Andra along the riverbank in Jubilife Village by the waterwheels. Talk to him and he will request that you figure out how to reach the Mr. Mime in the back alley next to his location.

When you turn around, you will see a Mr. Mime waving its arms in the alleyway. If you try to approach from the front, you will run into an invisible barrier. Run around the buildings on the right and approach from the rear. The Mr. Mime will kick you out of the alleyway and run off. You need to find it again.

Find Andra again next to the Galaxy Team Headquarters behind where the merchant cart is. Mr. Mime has put up another barrier in the small patch of grass ahead. Run to the other side of the Galaxy Team Headquarters and approach from the side behind the building. This part is a little tricky and there are multiple invisible barriers. Maneuver from side to behind the building to avoid the barriers. You will also need to backtrack a little. Once you reach Mr. Mime, it will run off again.

Find Andra again next to the bridge in front of the pasture. Mr. Mime is now standing next to the Jubilife Village gate and has set up more invisible walls. Maneuver to the left and right (starting on the left near the gate) to get through the barriers. Interact with Mr. Mime for the final time and Andra will reward you with two doses of Aux Guard.