Back 4 Blood is a zombie shooter game from Turtle Rock Studios. Dubbed as the spiritual successor of Left 4 Dead, it offers a modern twist on the horde shooter gameplay. Along with passive skills and a variety of skins for each Cleaner, you can collect skill cards and craft your own builds that will affect your playstyle in Back 4 Blood. Out of 156 cards you can get in this game, here is the list of the best Back 4 Blood cards that you should consider adding to your decks.

Table of Contents:

  • Back 4 Blood – The Best Cards for Your Deck
  • Back 4 Blood – All Cards List in Deck Manager
  • Brawn
  • Discipline
  • Fortune
  • Reflex

Back 4 Blood – The Best Cards for Your Deck

17. Two Is One And One Is None

  • Grants the ability to equip a secondary primary
  • -25% weapon swap speed

I put this one first simply because who doesn’t want to run around with a light machine gun and a shotgun, running around blasting Ridden’s faces with glee? Especially if you play Hoffman? Oh and I guess it also works well if you need a more flexible build, such as running a sniper + SMG decks as well but who cares about that.

  • Brawn
  • Discipline
  • Fortune
  • Reflex

16. Second Chance

  • +1 Extra Life
  • +5 Health

It’s one of the first cards you get by default in Back 4 Blood, but Second Chance by no means is bad or forgettable. The addition of an extra life is practically the safety net you will need until you completely master the whole game, even on higher difficulties.

15. Face Your Fears

  • Gain 3 Temporary Health whenever you kill a Ridden within 2 meters

Although “temporary health” doesn’t sound like it would help much, you will still mow down Riddens in this game anyway. Might as well take something to buff you up and make you practically “invincible”, particularly if you run a melee or shotgun build.

14. Ammo Stash

  • Your secondary weapons have unlimited ammo. Your secondary weapons reload 20% slower

Unlimited ammo, enough said! You might want to pair it with reload cards such as Reload Drills to mitigate the negative side-effect.

13. Life Insurance

  • 2 Extra Lives, lose 50 Copper at the start of each level

Good card to use especially in tougher missions in late-game where everything hits harder. At that point, you should be loaded with Copper so you’ll get the maximum benefit with minimum investment.

12. Inspiring Sacrifice

  • Team Effects: When you or a teammate becomes incapacitated, all teammates heal for 25 Health over 20 seconds

This card is actually abusable. Everyone on your team will get a full heal over time anytime someone goes down if all of you use this. An essential card to use in early-game when your build isn’t ready yet, and you really shouldn’t tackle Veteran without this (especially with randoms).

11. Down in Front!

  • While crouching you neither take nor deal Friendly Fire damage. +10 Health

An extremely important card to take when playing Back 4 Blood‘s Veteran and Nightmare since friendly fire is active. Practice crouching every time when you take point in Recruit.

10. Fresh Bandage

  • Heal 10 Trauma Damage at the start of each level

Trauma Damage buildup is huge in higher difficulties and healing even just 10 points per level actually helps a lot.

9. Breakout

  • Hold a button to free yourself from Grabs, 50% Breakout Cooldown reduction

An essential card if you aren’t careful, playing with braindead bots, or teammates that aren’t team players.

8. Money Grubber

  • Each time your team loots Copper, you gain 5 additional Copper stacking up to 100 additional Copper

It’s pretty important to have if you’re making a higher difficulties deck in Back 4 Blood. The extra Copper allows you to save up for the health stations (only 1 free heal in Veteran), buy both team upgrades every time, or stack Medkits and Pipe Bombs.

7. Copper Scavenger

  • You can sense nearby Copper, more Copper piles spawn

One of the best starting cards you can pick in Back 4 Blood. More Copper means you (and your team if you’re generous) can easily stock up on items and ammo between each level.

6. Compound Interest

  • Gain 10% of your total Copper in each Safe Room

This is also another card you can abuse. Before ending the level, everyone drops their Copper and lets the player who has this card grab all of it. Your team can easily make over 1,000 extra Copper doing that trick.

5. Broadside

  • Precision Kills have a 20% chance to cause Ridden to explode, dealing 15 damage to other Ridden within 4 meters

“Always aim for the head” is good advice, and it gets better with this card since it adds a decent chance to deal additional damage to surrounding enemies.

4. Quick Kill

  • 50% Accuracy, Disables: Aim Down Sights

Disabling ADS for 50% Accuracy doesn’t sound like a fair trade-off, but hoo boy, how wrong you are if you thought that. The accuracy bonus actually lets you shoot most guns with great precision even without ADS. And with this, you can use all the other cards that disable or reduce the ADS effect without any worry to reap all the benefits!

3. Marked For Death

  • +10% damage to pinged mutations and mutations are highlighted

You should always ping any Mutations you come across in the first place to let your teammates know of any danger so why not add a buff while you’re at it? This card can stack although it doesn’t really reach 40% bonus damage. Still, pair it up with Confident Killer and Ridden Slayer to maximize your damage output.

2. Meth Head

  • 40% Melee Attack Speed, 40% Melee Stamina Efficiency, Your Melee Attacks no longer stick in tough enemies, Disables: Aim Down Sights

One of the most important cards for a melee deck in Back 4 Blood. Since it doesn’t just buff your damage and stamina up but also makes your melee attacks much more effective on Mutations.

1. Ignore the Pain

  • 20% Melee Damage against Mutations. When you deal Melee damage to a Mutation gain 1 Temporary Health and recover 3 Stamina

This is also an important Back 4 Blood card if you’re running a Mutation hunter melee deck since it lets you keep whacking their faces without (too much) worry.

Back 4 Blood: The Best Deck Builds

Back 4 Blood – All Cards List in Deck Manager





Back 4 Blood is now available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC via Steam as well as Xbox Game Pass.