Avengers: Endgame is kind of a big deal, not only was it the culmination of a decade’s worth of movies, but it also became the highest-grossing movie of all time after knocking Avatar from the throne.

Fans have flocked to the theatres to see Endgame, some seeing it countless times and they have helped it to make a ton of money. It’s still actually showing in theaters, yet as of today, it can be shown on the small screen as well. At a cost of $19.99, Avengers: Endgame can now be downloaded digitally from the usual places.

This means that, should you be so inclined, you can watch the movie in the theater in the morning and watch it all over again in bed that same night.

If you’re the sort of person who prefers having the physical edition to hold in your hands (like I am), this releases on August 13th and comes with a ton of bonus features.

Unfortunately, this release is for the US, so foreigners such as myself have to wait a bit longer. Endgame isn’t available to download here until next month, with the DVD/Blu-ray launch not coming until September. Enjoy your repeat viewings, I’m not jealous at all.

We quite enjoyed Avengers: Endgame and if you’ve been living under a rock you can check out our review of it here. At the time we said it was an emotional rollercoaster and the closest a movie has ever come at nailing comic books. High praise indeed.

I can’t wait to see how much more money this movie makes as we all wait patiently for Phase 4.