Diomedes will appear in File 3 of Astral Chain, right after you make it out of the Astral Plane and save the civilians. He is armed with a huge sword that can be very difficult to dodge, so in this fight, you will want to keep your distance.

Astral Chains: How To Beat Diomedes

Diomedes is armed with a massive sword that he swings in huge arcs, making it hard to dodge. He is also prone to doing multiple spinning attacks, moving around the small arena like a whirlwind. The best way to take on this boss is to keep your distance. You will want to keep your Legion at the very furthest length of the Astral Chain, letting it work over Diomedes while you are in a safe spot.

The best thing to do is try and operate from the center of the small arena you fight in. Diomedes can move fast and covers a lot of ground when he is doing his spinning attacks, so make sure you do not get backed into a corner, or he will easily kill you.

Use your weapon’s gun mode to hit him with combos and Sync Attacks. Diomedes will do a downwards slam attack with his sword, causing a massive burst of energy to explode at you. Dodge out of the way, the swiftly dodge roll towards him. You should be able to get two to three Slash Attacks off with your Legion before you have to roll back out again.

You want to repeat this tactic over and over, but be very cautious. At higher difficulties, Diomedes will hit you for about a third of your health each time, so getting caught up in one of his combos means death. You will also need to constantly move your Legion in and out of fighting range, because if you leave it sitting too close to Diomedes for too long, he will stun and knock it back, reducing the damage you are doing.

The best thing to do with Diomedes is play safe, operate from range, and slowly chip him down until you defeat him. And don’t forget to go for a finishing move at the end to get maximum Gene Code from this pesky boss. sa